Friday, November 9, 2012

Veteran's Day Weekend: Part 1

My long weekend officially starts now! I had one class today (Asian American Studies) for 2 hours and 45 minutes, but it wasn't as bad today because I was talking to my boyfriend over instant messaging the whole time, hehe. Yay for big classrooms! Then we were let out ten minutes early. Since I am going through                 some difficulty with my major and what I should do in college, I went in for advising. It's great because it's free, they're very helpful, and you can go in as many times as you would like (as long as it's not too busy). The not so great aspect is sending me to the wrong building... There I was on one side of campus and being told I need to go elsewhere, which is on the opposite side. Fine, I can deal with that. I could use some exercising anyways. However, it took another step downhill when I'm standing in the right place, but there are no advisers on Fridays!

I did get some questions answered and took a whole bunch of flyers regarding the major I want to change into. I have decided I want to major in Health Science with a concentration in Health Administration Services. I like the health field; it's almost always guaranteed a job once you're out of college. My passion is art, but I don't want to do that for a living, it's hard to find a job, and it seldom pays out well. Besides, I rather scrapbook or crochet than paint and draw.

I came home to a package in the mail. It was the keyboard protector I ordered :) It's a thin, flexible rubbery protector that mimics the shape of my keys. Here's a picture with the protector covering half of my keyboard:

I bought the protector off Amazon for about $12. Not worth it, I know. But I couldn't find one like this for cheaper. It fits over my keys perfectly and the only complaint I have is that the edges aren't tucked in to prevent moving around. That's fine because my laptop itself doesn't have extra room on the edge of the keys.

Have a good Friday! :)

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