Monday, November 19, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving Plans

Only three days left before Thanksgiving! I love good food. I mean, who doesn't? Every year, my family and I spend Thanksgiving at my cousin's house (which isn't too far from where I currently live, yay!) and I help her cook. Last year, I took the Cal Train up to her place and slept over for the weekend. This year, I was planning to take the same route, but my cousin happens to be in San Diego right now. She is driving back up tomorrow and, is most likely, going to pick me up along the way! That means I get to spend some more time with her baby! I will post more pictures, I promise. This year also happens to be a very big deal because everyone is invited to Thanksgiving dinner. Usually, there's only about ten of us. This time, there will be close to fifteen. I'm still wondering how everyone's going to fit in my cousin's small condo. Unlike some lucky people, I do not get the whole week off for Thanksgiving :( In fact, I only get Thursday and Friday off! This weekend will be busy, for sure. After the big dinner, I'm planning to hitch a ride with my parents and go home for the rest of the weekend. I haven't seen my boyfriend in over a month. Plus, he's going to take me shopping! :)

More interesting (hopefully, it's interesting) updates later!


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